Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

Knight of Cups

Ps Cups

Knight of Cups,

Portrays a person who is moving towards his desires, related to the romantic, poetic and spiritual qualities of the Water Element. -- Janina Renee.

The card is most commonly interpreted in terms of Romance, a new love interest entering a young persons life. A Love renewed in an older persons life. In the Universal Waite and Robin Wood Tarot decks the Knight Rides a white mount. Underlining the Idealized lover as an Archetype.

In the Gendron Tarot, where the Knights are replaced by Princesses, The princess of Cups stands in frame with her Totem a Panther. A totem of Independence and Personal Power. The message being, I think, that although the Princesses of Cups is a card of Romance, she does not diminish herself in her pursuit of love. Instead she is complete and powerful herself, before she widens her universe and blesses other people by allowing them into her life. Upright this card can indicate a sensitive person. A person aware of the hidden depths of the soul, as is typical of cups persons. A person who understands the Q.s feelings and can be trusted to safeguard them. The reverse of this card can be a warning against "being played". The sort of soft spoken lover who is so expert at pillow talk, because he has so much practice. Yet he makes a woman desire to be "The One", while most likely she will be just one more. Of course although the cultural image of the player is male, it has not always been so, as Zola's Nana reminds us.

Knights being messengers, this messenger may be a muse. It may truly herald the arrival of a messenger. A letter from someone nearly forgotten, or a family member long out of contact. Depending on where the knight appears in the spread he may also serve to announce that the energy of a more powerful court card, the king or queen echo's in this corner of the spread too.

The knight of cups being a knight also speaks to travel. A trip, to find inspiration, or gather experience. In our ever more multicultural frame work, the trip itself may be a metaphor. Indicating the time is right for the querent to open themselves up to opportunities to befriend persons with a different background than themselves.

Divination: Totem Panther, Personal Power: Romance, Love, Attraction, A Congenial Proposal, An Invitation, A Messenger.

Reversed: Trickery, Artifice, Congenial Liar, "Pimp". Competition for Love.

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Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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