Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.


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I sat down today, and asked for a little guidance in shedding some bad habits, I have gotten into the last year or so. With the intention too use the center card as this weeks mediation/ online card. So what did I draw, The Chariot, Transition, The Fool. Interesting, that, the cards call on me to embrace my discipline to transition to the Fool. The Chariot, being in some decks renamed Mastery, and It is a card about self control, and self discipline, Transitioning to the Fool. To a state of a New Beginning. Not the most practical advise, but then again, when it comes down to changing ones life. It often comes down to... nothing to it but to do it.

So that leaves us with Transition. On the one hand its absolutely perfect for this time of year. The leaves have long since fallen. The Shepard king is in the underworld awaiting his rebirth. A rebirth we will shortly celebrate, and that celebration may make some of you dear readers uncomfortable with contemplating this card just now.

Melanie's card is thick with totems: Butterfly's - Rebirth, The Bat - Intuition, Vulture - Death, rebirth, renewed vision. Near the top center is the Medicine Shield with its shamanistic implications. Death is a fearful thing, but so are lesser changes. We often deny ourselves our full potential, because change often looks like Melanie's rather spooky card. Instead we embrace the notion "Better the Devil You know." Yet as we make our New Years resolutions, we are attempting to spark a rebirth in our own lives.

Transition reminds us of two things. One that change is often painful, or at least frightening. It also tells us when we face our fear we can be reborn into a better world. Think about it, how often does some trial, that just scares the willies out of someone, turn them around and give them a tremendous love of life from that day forward. Death does not lie in change, it lies in stagnation. It lies in hiding oneself in the earth and refusing to come out. If you have not already, please "mouseover" the Transition card, before we continue.

The Universal Waite card reminds us that change is not always in our hands. The peasant, and the Bishop, and the Lord, his castle in the background, are all subject to death. Earthly power is ultimately an illusion. No matter who we are, we are subject to powers beyond our control. While all the wealth in the world will not buy us an answer to any of the eternal questions. Poverty is real, and I do believe it saps the spirit, so cherish those it does not crush. Wealth however is not the answer, it is only an opportunity to pursue the answers. The bursting of the Economic bubble was just one recent reminder of that reality, years of labor swept away in a few months, as lies found the light of day, and people panicked. So although I feel sorry for peoples loss. I feel more sorry, for those who found they have lost their wealth, but gave up much of their lives to pursue it. Wealth can be required, days are in a tragically limited supply. So that's I think the ultimate lesson here, fear profits a man nothing. Live your life, embrace your rebirths. Love your family now while they are here. Let me leave you with a little bit of Dialog from the 13th Warrior, one of my favorite movies, I think its perfect and very hopeful.

Lo there I see my Father, Lo there I see my Mother, and My Sisters and My Brothers, Lo there I see the Line of My People, back to the beginning. Lo they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them. In the Halls of Valhalla, Where the Brave may Live, Forever.

Divination:An Ending and a Beginning. A reminder of mortality. Change beyond the Querants control so flow with the Intent. A brush with the Energetic World.

Reversed: Stagnation, Resistance to the Inevitable, Slowwwww change, need for inspiration. The Q. is disconnected from the Intent, Depression.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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