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Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.


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Well I had not intended to continue on the Fools Journey, I have been doing the cards in a fairly random manner. Either drawing a card, or choosing one suggested by life events. Today I drew Temperance, which just happens to follow, last weeks. The Fool has walked threw the valley of the Shadow of Death and emerged. Reentering the world the Fool is a better centered person. He was come to see the value of balance. I think two images in Melanie's Card are very important. The Eagle and the Lion. The Eagle is not the soaring bird Melanie usually uses to depict this totem. It is watchful, and quite fierce looking. I see this as a reminder of judgment to come. The Lion, reminds me of the Lion in the Strength card. It seems to be resting peacefully for now. The inner beast quieted by the feminine energies of the card.

Melanie has tied Temperance to Sagittarius, a fire sign. Indicating the balance is not placid. In chess the concept of Dynamic Balance/ Imbalance is very important. A position my look very static, yet that reality may only reflect a web to threat and counter that runs several moves deep keeping both players in check. The balance of Temperance is like this, the Fool, maintains an outer appearance of calm and poise. Yet this is because he has learned to manage the powerful inner energies that would rule all of us.

Like most trumps, I find it hard to place this card in a firm elemental category. We have touched on its relationship to fire. The bird totems, and the winged figure reflect a powerful relationship to air. Indeed as we mature, and become less subject to our emotional swings. We tend to become more swords persons as adults. The Moon and water are clearly important to the imagery, and the lion, ties us to the Earth.

So the card, speaks to a balance of all elements. As the Hermit did in its turn. Yet it is a more mature balance I think. When most of us think of a Hermit, we think of a life style based on denial. Denial is of itself a kind of imbalance. The old time monks who would fast, to the point they endured hallucinations or visions, depending on your point of view. To deny the earthly aspect of ourselves to that extent is as imbalanced as over indulging. Addictive persons will sometimes, put down their bottle, or food addiction. Only to find themselves addicted to exercise, or anorexic.

Temperance is not about Denial, in part it is about savoring life. You sit back, you enjoy a meal with a loved one at a restaurant, you savor the food, listen to the conversation.Really experience the moment, and its very satisfying. On the other hand, if you stuff a burger down your gob at a McDonalds and run back out to work. An hour later, you may well be hungry again, and wondering if you ate at all. The burger may satisfy your bodies needs, but not your human need to enjoy your food. To experience your physical life. So temperance is also about mindfulness. The angel pouring the water from chalice to chalice, or jar to jar... depending on the card, must be very mindful of what she is doing. Which brings up the question, what do the jars represent. In The Path, Whitley Strieber suggests they represent Justice and Force. The Demands we make on Ourselves, Justice. And how we enact those demands, Force. I think its an important thought.

Divination:Moderation, Patience, Integration of Opposites, Security through frugal management of means. Try new things without risking present security.

Reversed: Discord, excess, Time to reassess activities that waste energy and cultivate chaos. Too much Caution, Misunderstanding, Competative interests.

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Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at

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