Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

Queen of Swords
Imagination is More Important than Knowledge

II of Swords RW
II of Swords RW

Imagination is more important than Knowledge - Albert Einstein.

My Daughter actually has a poster of the man, with a copy of this Quote on her wall. Ok, I bought it for her, but still she chose to put it up, and its been there for over a year. What truely does it mean, and what does it have to do with the Queen of Swords. Well swords energies are intellectual, mathematical even. Swords energies are about what is revealed in the cold light of day. The light of the Swords is the light of the Winters Sun. The light is cold, yet often blinding in its purity and intensity. Combine that with the creative feminine principle and their daughter is the Queen of Swords. She has been blessed with the vision to see beyond current frame.

We see the touch of her hand when Einstein published his first paper, on special relativity. We see her smiling on, James Watson, when he conceived the Double Helix structure of DNA in a dream. We see her, blessing more recently when Geologist Robert Schoch stunned the world of Archeology by saying chaps you got the Age of the Sphinx wrong. Those markings are water erosion and that pushes the date of the Sphinx back at least 2,500 years.

Einstien was not giving us a note for not doing our homework. He was reminding us that Imagination is the vehicle that carries us beyond present horizons and allows for the discovery of new knowledge. The Queen is generally shown as a stern woman. This is appropriate, for her Sword strikes deeply and she is unsparing in its use. Einstein overturned the whole structure of physics with a single paper. Einstein's vision was so devastatingly clear it did not allow for serious doubt, and in short order Classical Physics ceased to be the model of established physics.

Dr. Schoch's experience is more typical. Persons of stature and tenure have careers invested in the idea's he has rendered moot, if his age for the sphinx is correct. So they resist the tide of new knowledge. Dr Schoch's data has been verified by other geologists. Creating a Rift between Geology and Archeology. The Archeologist's defending the Status Quo, from the view point that, there was no civilization 5000 years ago capable of building the Sphinx. While Geology answers, that's a Quandary for sure, but Its at least 5000 years old folks. Them's the facts and you need a new theory.

The Queen is a stern Queen, she did not promise Galileo an easy life, Nor Dr King a long one. She makes only one promise to those she blesses with her touch and sends into battle in her name. The Truth Will Out. The road my be long, the resistance may be furious. But the truth, once discovered is a flaming sword and nothing can resist it's march into the light of day.

As readers most of us will not likely read for an Einstein or Dr King, but each of our Querents come to us with Questions every bit as important to them, as the problems theses men wrestled with in their lives. Each of us, searches for answers to the eternal questions. Is there a Deity, does S/he have a vision, what is our place in that vision. If there is a soul, where is my soul-mate. This can be a very lonely quest for many people. People who have lost track of their inner voice and turn to you as a reader to help them rediscover it with-in themselves.

Divination: A Complex Person, possessing a deep awareness due to personal suffering. Intelligent, Independent, Perceptive, capable of understanding the subtleties and nuances of a situation.

Reversed: Cold, Intolerant, Deceitful. Vengeful Malicious, Narrow Minded.

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