Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

II of Swords
The Horns of a Dilemma

II of Swords RW
II of Swords RW

II Swords Gendron

I first became aware of this card, through the cover art of Janina Renne's Tarot Spells. Like the vision above, the artist preparing the cover had taken some creative liberties and deepened the color, adding more red, and the contrast of the card. Creating for my money a card with much more visual impact. The card shown below is from an unaltered scan, and at least on my system really looks quite like the original in the Robin Wood Deck. This card however is the one that persuaded me to buy a Robin Wood deck.

I really love Robins vision of the 2 of swords. The woman windswept, sitting sternly amid a storm, her eyes blindfolded her relationship to the symbolism of justice clear. It is in the nature of things that II's are tied to choices and dualities. We have spoken of them before. With the Swords energies in play the choices are bound to be difficult ones.

An important Question, is the role of that swords energy and intellect in interpreting this card. Reading a couple of sources before sitting down to write, most seem to be in agreement with each other, and disagreement with me. Ok the first vision of this card I would present to you see's the Two of Swords representing a Dilemma. That like the woman depicted the Q. is trying to be fair minded in her approach to the problem the 2 underlines. Intellect however has failed her. Both choices have equal merits, or often both choices are equally bad. In this view, the Q is advised that she should trust her intuition. Logic having provided insufficient insight, she needs to trust her higher self and her inner voice to guide her past the horns of the dilemma. The Q, should be reassured that once the stalemate is broken, she will feel more free, and her situation will improve.

As a reader, a lot of the above feels right, Tarot after all is about tuning into that inner voice. While stagnation, and dead lock, are aspects warned against over and over in Tarot writings. All the same, I just see the card a little differently. I see, the storm, rain and lighting, cups and wands, as one of those moments when our emotional life is in turmoil. At such times it is difficult to find the discipline to weather the storm and make our choices based on the merits of a situation. So I see it more of a time, to focus ones mind, and make ones choice with ones mind rather than ones heart. These are the hardest choices of all. Like a Q, in group just this week, who knows intellectually, that she is doing the right thing by ending her current relationship. Yet the embers of that old flame haunt her, and leave her emotionally uncertain. As one might imagine the Q. The figure in Robins Card is clearly unhappy. Here again is symbol a reader could point too, to advise the Q. to focus on her inner voice. Perhaps, I see in it, as much a reminder, that sometimes the right thing is an unpleasant thing. Choices made, intellectually, give us cold comfort at best. Without an emotional investment in our choice it is difficult to find the strength to move forward. Yet that does not mean we should not move forward. Take the Q, I mentioned earlier. It is oh so difficult sometimes to make an emotional investment in oneself. A person like my Q, remembers her old relationship, its promise. She may feel, the need to give that promise another chance. She does not yet have the space to make an emotional investment in herself and her own happiness. (If my reading is true). It can be like a poker game. You have a stack of chips in a pot you know you are going to loose. The investment tempts you, perhaps just one more raise and I can swindle the pot. Funny thing is, after the cards are shown, and the chips racked. You just move on. If your down to the felt, its time to go home. If your still in, time to focus on your next chance. The chips that had you hypnotized a few moments ago, have no power over you anymore. Who would have thought.

Given the upsetting energies in play, this is a good time to recommend the Q, to speak to a trusted advisor, and listen closely what they say. The Art Nouveau Tarot by Lo Scarabeo very often takes a very different tangent, to a conventional Universal Waite Deck. "To be able to fight, it is necessary to have certainties. This card is the symbol of the balance and tenderness of a Favorable environment. Indeed it is a lovely card and concentrates on the human need for the safety of a trusted soul. A place/ and person with whom to shelter from the storm depicted in the Robin Wood Card.

Melanie's card also takes a more positive tangent. Affection, Harmony, Relief, Differences Resolved. The Priestess is dressed in Egyptian Garb, Standing before the Greek Columns, With the mountains in the background. The Head of a man who has crossed over and is now her advisor, centered over a mountain peak. The head crowns a mountain top peeking through the clouds. Reminiscant of the Masonic symbol on the back of a dollar bill. Personally I see the mix of symbols as an expression of the Differences Resolved Melanie speaks too in the divination portion. A true Illuminatii can see beyond the trappings, and find the common wisdom, underlying the worlds magickal traditions. In my life time this has certainly happened with the Tarot. From a Traditional Euro centric foundation, the Empress has birthed many wonderful children.

Divination: The Q, sits on the horns of a Dilemma. Wands and Cups Energy in turmoil. Pay close attention to your inner voice. If you feel you cannot find it, speak to a trust counselor who can view your problem with a little detachment. Listen to their advise. The Truce Melanie spoke of may prove more a of Cold War than peace, the Q, needs be careful in whom she invests her trust.

Reversed:The Reverse of this card, may indicate bad advise, perhaps even ill intentioned advise. Think closely about your situation and recent decisions you may have made. Reversals sometime have their own meaning, but often modify the meaning of the upright card. Given the emotional energies in play, consider if your Q is in denial. Does the stalemate indicated by the card, arise from the Q's emotional inability to accept her objective reality. Making excuses for a cheating spouse for example.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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