Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

IX of Wands - The Lord of Strength

The Fool
The Fool

Today, I explore the first of the 9's of the Tarot. At least among the minors. The number 9, is important in numerology because 9 is the self replicating number. 9 x 4 = 36 3+6 = 9. As any school child knows, take the digits of any product of 9 add them up and they add up to 9. This is true up to quite a large number. Nine is also the most important number spiritually in the Celtic Tradition, and is a very auspicious number from that view point. It of course also has associations with pregnancy. 9 being the product of 3x3 it is tied to creativity and possibility. Lastly the 9's being the last single digit number, mark the completion of a cycle just as the 10's represent the start of a new one.

In the Title, I called the 9 of Wands Lord of Strength, this from the Magickal Tarot, which is a child of the Crowley Thoth Tarot and so the card is named in the Crowley Tarot. The Names serve as wonderful keywords for certain cards. If you share the vision of a given card.

The staffs as depicted in the Universal Waite and Gendron Tarots form a barrier behind the main figure. The figure has selected one staff which he holds in his hands. Unlike the Barrier that locks the Character out of the 7 of Wands. This Barrier appears to be one the figure is defending. A fence marking out his space. Visually this seems to me to be the dominate theme of this card, and yet I see little discussion of the theme in my studies thus far. In the Universal Waite, and Robin Wood Tarots, the figures head is bandaged. As though he has taken a nasty knock on the melon. The figure seems wary. Janine tells us this indicates that the character has gone through the collage of hard knocks. The Divination keywords include Discipline, Order, Productivity, Expectation of Difficulty, Victory over Opposition. Speak to the virtues we expect or at least desire to see in a soldier, plus the visual image of a man seemingly ready to defend a barrier. So the card speaks to a potential for difficult times, but promises the Q. they will find with her/his self the strength to prevail.

Another important aspect of the card, is that the figure holds a single Staff or Wand. The 9's being the product of the creative 3 times itself. 3x3. The numerology speaks to a tremendous potential for opportunity. A persons education, training, and hard work have born fruit and the Q. finds her/himself with a bounty of choices. The card however reminds the Q. not to overburden himself. Lest s/he become like the figure depicted in the X of Wands. I do not want to sound to negative here. I am merely pointing out that although a person may face a bounty of opportunities, s/he will often be best advised to pick one and truly concentrate on its fulfillment. The nine does however promise a bounty of the wands energy, which as Janina points out may manifest as Energy, Enthusiasm, Activity, or Opportunities.

I think the object in the background of Melanie's card is very interesting. At first I saw it as a volcano tying the earth and fire elements together. Note how each staff has a small leaf at the top. In the UW Tarot the leafs are present in all the staffs card, where-as Melanie has been more selective about which cards incorporate leaves in the image. Bringing together the energy of the wands and stability of the earth. At a second glance it may well be meant to be seen as a Mesoamerican pyramid. With the inevitable association with mystical energies, and sacred places. Pyramids however are also tremendous earth symbols. Nothing else man made rivals their stability. The majesty of their sheer presence, and even I write this I recall the suggestion that the original inspiration for the Pyramids may have been the memory of volcano's by the peoples that built them. Volcano or Pyramid the Card speaks to deeply rooted strength. I think this card promises a very favorable foundation for the Q. On which to peruse her/his dreams.

Whether the reader should emphasize the magickal potential of the Pyramid or the difficulties faced by our bandaged main character I think must be determined by the surrounding cards. Do not be too quick to read this card negatively though. I think it may have a very positive message for the Q.

Divination: A fortunate coming together of energies. 3x3. The Q is presented with a bounty of opportunities so chose wisely. Ability to maintain Control, Discipline, Order, Productivity, Anticipation. Expectation of Difficulty, Victory over Opposition.

Reversed: Adversity, Delay, Ill Health, Unproductive. Disaster, Barriers to Overcome. A semester in the Collage of Hard Knocks.

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Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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