Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

VIII of Cups - Equanimity

Rain Forest
The Fool
The Fool

Last year, we went through a round of layoffs at work, and overall a long period of uncertainty. During most of that time I engaged in a rather extended exercise in Tarot Magic with this card. I put on my computer as the wall paper, and meditated on the image at times when I had a moment for deliberate mediation. The calming image, helped me keep my head in proper order.

This is a woman who has seen life's challenges and experienced life's blessings. I think this plays into the setting. The central figure, sits at the sea side, surrounded by well weathered rocks. Her totems the panther and raven visible in the foreground. The large rocks imply a crashing surf. The princess has seen the tides come and go, she is quietly sure that she remains. She has accumulated life's blessings between life's challenges, and now, as twilight fills the sky, all her cups are full. She sits so calmly, her hands in her lap, gently holding a flower.

The card is also, just very soothing to my mind. The lovely sunset, with the days last light reflecting on the water behind the princess. If you look closely, you will see the princesses gaze is up and directed out of frame. This is in keeping with this cards overall theme. The VIII of Cups is about turning points traditionally, and the sunset in the background connects Melanie's card to that tradition. The princess knows the present moment is fading with the setting sun, and she is quietly appreciating the fading beauty of the day, even as night falls. She was the poise and experiance not to go rushing off before the moment is done. Her Totems speak to her strength. The panther is a totem of self suffincency, like most big cats it lives mostly on its own and by its own wits. Of course its shadowy color, and solitary nature has its own connection to the unseen. The Raven as a totem of hidden knowledge that has a long history, and has been seen as a magickal animal by the Norse, Native American peoples of the NorthWest, and in the Near East. Raven however is a trickster, and his lessons are often unpleasant. Yet later on reflection, we value the knowledge above the discomfort of the learning.

FirstCircle2003 Mel's card is so very different from Robins much more traditional card. The figure is anonymous, and walking away from the cups, and towards the jagged rocks in the background. In the foreground all the cups are empty. I think this is very important. Robin's card has a much sadder feel than Mel's, I think. The figure depicted seems have accessed his position and found his cups empty and is moving onto new challenges. This is I think clearly true. The figure does not look bound for a gentle field, Rather towering and jagged mountains. So I think he has rather chosen to challenge himself. He has given up the comforts represented by the eight cups, to test himself anew. The water in the frame forms a barrier between the figure and the cups. Clearly dividing him from the past.

So both cards are about turning points, but I see in Melanie's card, a contentment, while, Robins card speaks to a definite discontent. A personal descision to put growth over comfort. I think both are important lessons. In a very real sense, I see them as at the very heart of the Tarot. For the Tarot warns us time and again against stagnation in our lives, It also, provides us with a tool for meeting life challanges, whether we chose them or are chosen for us, with poise and Equanimity

Divination: Equanimity, Poise in the presence of change. A turning point. Leaving behind the familiar to embrace something new. Rejecting Earlier plans.

Reversed: Material Attachment, Recklessness, Restlessness, Pleasure Seeking.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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