Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

The Empress
Happy Mothers Day

Child Health
The Empress
The Empress

The Empress

Re: Daily Goddess *3-20 Isis*,

Over Twenty years ago now, I was in collage. I was taking a very secular course in comparative religion. Yet it had it's effect: Goddesses and Gods, peopled my head. In the dead of night, I was standing in my postage stamp backyard in inner-city Buffalo. I was gazing out at a full moon.

I knelt to pray, like a good ex-Catholic, and prayed to Isis. I can still see that moon from my yard in my minds eye, when I dwell on this memory. I dont have much talent for visualization, so its a mark to me that I can visualize this moment. I did not realize at the time how significant that moment was. From that day forward, for me, Deity meant Goddess, whatever of her 10,000 names. It was the first step down a path, I have always returned too.

Thanks much Lady B. for Giving me pause, and bringing me back to that moment.


Lady B. Posted a essay on the Goddess Isis on in the YGroup Temple of the Goddess 3-20 of this year. I have always been drawn to the Near Eastern vision of the Great Mother. Innana, Isis, and Mary. Yes Mary, I do agree that she is the survival of the Great Mother into Christianity, even as other lesser Gods and Goddesses became saints. Kneeling before the beautiful Image as an alter boy, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Children's Home, in my teens, I knew I was looking up at the divine.

So for me the Empress has always been the Goddess, and the Emperor the Osiris/ Horus, Shepard god. Representing the Spirits of the Earth in my deck. She is the model and reflection of our idea's of mother. She gave us life, She nursed us, She gave us unconditional love. It is a truism that men, wounded in battle, do not cry out for their fathers. Mom is our first love. She teaches us what it is too love. What it is to put those we love before ourselves. She is all the Queens of our deck.

Hearts - Love
Swords - Vision
Wands- Enthusiasm
Pentacles - Home.

The first gift is the gift of life. Great as that is, it is not the most important. Her love, her care, her patience, teach us that life is worth living. She helps us find the good, in this often harsh world. I have said many times, a man will feel his life is empty, till he finds something greater than himself to commit his life too, but a woman is born part of something greater than herself already.

Brightest Blessings to you
Goddesses All
this Mothers Day

Thankyou for your time, BB

Divination: Abundance, Fertility. Love. The Empress promises growth prosperity and abundance in life. Emotional Stability and a happy homelife. Your needs a met. Your heart is filled with joy and satisfaction.

Reversed: Infertility. Waste of Energies. Lack of success encourages depression. Hard Times.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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