Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

III of Pentacles
Mastery/ Appreticeship

Rain Forest
The Fool
The Fool

I had a chance meeting with a fellow artist this week. We were discussing two things, one the observation that the coming generation of kids is just amazingly talented, and two the impact of technology on that talent.

The story of teaching my daughter to draw was still fresh in my mind, and I mentioned it to a coworker from a different department who was working on our phones. He is an artist on the side as well, a father of 7 children. All of his children have some artistic outlet. Music or Drawing they all express themselves artistically in their own fashion.

Which led to a little conversation on the generation we have had a hand in raising. Daph has just completed her first year of collage. While she was in high school I was repeatedly amazed by the talent and intelligence of her friends. I have mentioned some of them before in previous essays. Nick who has a tremendous talent with the Tarot. Bob, who has far surpassed the depth of my study of chess, if just a few short years. Andre who was her first real boyfriend and is a very talented musician.

I do believe Jan Tober and Lee Carroll the authors of the Indigo Children are correct. We live in a time when many old souls are returning to earth. I think they are coming not only to finish their business, but to teach us how to move forward. My generation has unfortunately proved inadequate to the challenges presented us. The earths fisheries are being exploited to extinction, the rainforest dug up for ranch land that is fertile of just one year, and on and on. We may well live to see an ecological catastrophe that will challenge our survival as a species and we fret about our 401K's. Have you noticed the number of SARs articles that deal with its impact on business. The WHO withdrew its travel warning to Toronto because of pressure from business interests. As a generation we made a decision some time ago, to put business first. That the bottom line is the bottom line. I rather suspect we will find to our amazement the Earth is the bottom line, and we have been negligent stewards at best.

If we are to Survive, I believe, it will be because of our children. We need minds capable of thinking outside of our box, if we are to solve the worlds problems. It is our challenge, to raise them without limiting them. It is our obligation to the future, to offer them new horizons, not worn-out solutions that no longer apply. It is a tremendous challenge, to help, our children discover themselves, rather than making them into little copies of ourselves.

Yet the truth is all around us, just as the world has change so since my birth in 1960. Our children have been born into a world of accelerating change. We must bear this in mind as we rear them, and raise them to face the future, not the past.

Blessed Be All. BB

Divination: Artist Ablity, Oppertunity, Recognition, Success through skilled work. Talent

Reversed: Lack of Skill, Money Troubles, Preoccupation with Accumulation. A person who craves the accolades of success without wishing to put forth the effort. What Roger Zelazny described and persons who wanted to be Authors, not writers.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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