Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

IV of Wands

Rain Forest
UnknownCountry Earthfiles
The Fool
The Fool

Mel has stepped outside the box again with this card. An Arabic, (to my eye) couple and a servant woman stand in the foreground. In the background is quite a impressive house, some distance up the hill, between are trees or vines. I'm never quite sure given that Mel has done most of her minors in predominately mono-chromes. In many ways this card has the feel of a pentacles card. The solidity of the fours seems more important than the energy of the wands.

I see this card as more in the vision of "Newly Acquired Prosperity", as Mel describes it from the divination section. Than from. The Celebratory point of view depicted in the Robin Wood. My reading a week ago now when I drew this card was, The Tower, IV of Wands, Queen of Pentacles. Given that two cards are quite positive, and tower is a modifying vs central card, Im hoping it indicates positive change. Actually some good things are happening. Mrs BB was acquired a volunteer position with the local library and it may lead ultimately to a paying position. So I am hopeful these positive events are reflecting in this spread. Mrs BB has been struggling to find employment for a couple years now, so the tower, in our circumstance is not necessarily a bad card.

I have been reading and listening in the last week, a fair bit about the subject of intention and opportunity. Wayne Dyer, Raven Dana, and John Perkens. All very nice and thoughtful people, who seem to concur and believe, that by putting your intention in the hands of the creator, however you define deity, will lead to your being blessed. That abundance comes from god, and communion with god.

Me and Mrs BB had a rather polite if serious chat about this after listening to one author. A million people meditating, will not miraculously fill a bowl of rice unfortunately. It is also true that Nations surrounding the Indian Ocean where religions that stress meditation are the most popular religions, are amoung the poorest in the world. Meditation and prayer are wonderful things, but they must be joined to action in the world. I do firmly believe however, they help us prepare for that action. Hope will not guarantee success, but despair will author failure. I have an expression, I came up with when working two rather poorly paid jobs.

Life Sucks,
Would you settle for Less
If you will
Less will be Provided.

It served its purpose, it reminded me that no matter how hard I was working, and how little the reward, despair would only lead further down. While hope could provide a ladder towards a better life. Which is where we roll Mel's card together with the Robin Wood. The card seems to depict a Jewish Wedding. My wife tells me the Pavilion is a Hoppa (if I'm spelling that correctly.) Yet Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, or First Communion. These celebrations mark beginnings. After the guests have gone home, the dishes are cleaned, and hangovers survived. Time comes when we have to roll up our sleeves and get on with life. Life as a young man, a young woman, or a married couple.

Our couple in Mel's card, we can begin a story about them, they look quite young, but seem to have inherited an estate it could take a lifetime to build. They do not look happy, which makes sense in my story. The question now is, what will they do with their new opportunity. Will they work hard, and develop their wealth and home. Will they become greedy and ignore the needs of their land to squeeze a few more dollars out of it. Or will they develop lottery winners disease and become indolent, under the delusion that a pile of money, by itself, makes all life's problems go away.

I've been thinking about this card for about a week now. Ultimately I see it as a herald, announcing an opportunity in our lives. What one does with the opportunity, only the future knows. With a little wisdom, and perhaps some guidance from one's inner voice, who knows. Blessed Be all, BB

Divination: Harmony, A Celebration, a Wedding, or Bar Mitzvah, Social Events, Newly Aquired Prosperity, Rest, Harvest, Home.

Reversed: Loss of tranquillity, dis-satisfaction, Completion delayed but forth coming.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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