Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

IV of Wands

Animal Rescue
UnknownCountry Earthfiles
The Gendron Tarot: Melanie Gendron
The Robin Wood Tarot

If you take a long look at Mel's card, I think it beautifully sums up the intent of this card. The background is a deeply beautiful starry sky. The vault of that heaven, stands over a tall, and majestic mountain. The Character depicted stands in the green valley in the shadow of that mighty mountain. Running down from the mountain, is placid stream, the waters of which are nearly still and deeply reflective at the point where the figure stands. Surrounded by the waters on a small outcropping of rock. I think you will agree with me, that if you where to remove the figure, Mel has presented us with a wonderfully beautifal landscape.

But of course, he is there. The cloaked figure dominates the frame, and everything, about his body language and garb speaks to a tragic figure. Lost in his thoughts, contemplating the five empty cups, he is blind to the beauty all around him. In another deck, we might question whether the cups are empty, but Mel is very consistent in filling her cups with images when she wishes to communicate they are full.

So we get to the intent of the card. As is speaks to those times and trials in life when we focus, on that which we cannot have. A death is the most poignant example, the person who has passed is on the other-side now, but we long for them to be with us and cannot let go of the rope. A year after my gramps died, my dad still caught himself on T-Street, driving down to gramp's place. You might think this was a bit long, but as my wife noted, A century ago people were expected to grieve someone close about year. Now in our fast paced time, we are pushed to get over it and move on.

A death is not the only thing that can focus us on that which we cannot have, its simply a powerful example. As Raven Dana said in an interview I listened to just lately:

"In order to have the life I wanted, I had to give up the life I had. "

I dont think it is an uncommon thing to come to this realization, what is uncommon is giving up that old life, for the new one, IMHO. Not that this is always a bad thing, despite our regrets.

I wrestled with thoughts of leaving my family for several years while my daughter was fairly small. I seemed to be living at work and my relationship with her mother was in the dumpster. Yet I stayed. The way I saw the math, I did not see how I could work anything like the hours I worked as a single dad. While the thought of leaving Daph with her mom, who had never supported herself seemed to me a ticket to disaster. I could let go of the rope and think of myself. Problem was my baby girl was at the other end of the rope. So I made my choice.

Regrets of course I've had regrets, but as a regular reader will know, my daughter is the greatest source of pride and happiness in my life. A daily reminder that I did the right thing when I chose not to let go of the rope. The best cure I know, for pulling my head up, when I have a fascination with my shoes.

Blessed Be all, BB

Divination: Incomplete Partnership, Inner Turmoil, Loss, Worry, Regret.

Reversed: Affinity, Hopeful Perspective, Reunion.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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