Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

The III of Cups: Celebration

Giver Her a Listen UnknownCountry
Universal Waite Tarot
The Gendron Tarot: Melanie Gendron
When a card comes up repeatedly over a few days or reading, I generally take that as a nudge to take a closer look at the card in question. So I have been drawing the 3 of Cups a fair bit over the last few days. I like the Universal Waite, vision of this particular card. It seems to me to took take us back in time. The ladies are dancing, but it seems to me to be a slow, traditional dance. Like one might expect to see in an old royal court, rather than a farmers field. The little ripe pumpkin clearly places us in a fall time frame. This fits in with the cards associations with conclusions. The Colors of the Ladies robes are also important I think Gold - enlightenment, soul power; Red - courage, vitality, passion, action, energy; White - truth, perfection, purity. I personally see them as the 3 aspects of the triple goddess, (maiden matron crone.) all brought together in celebration.

What confuses me is this, The 3 of cups is seen as a favorable conclusion. And the Autumn celebration depicted in the card reinforces that idea. For myself though I have never seen 3's that way. I just see them as rather more dynamic. I tend towards the vision of 3's as the conclusion of a period of planning and preparation, and that beginning of truly manifesting a project or adventure in the world. So I would more see the 3 as the moment when you stop trying to figure out just what to say to a women you've noticed, and actually ask her out. I feel somewhat the same about the 3 of Wands. I have read the ships are returning, the Q's "ship has come in." I tend to think of them as heading out, carrying the Q's energy out into the world. I see the 3's as being about the moments when we risk the throw of the dice.

Melanie's vision of the 3, is just filled up with flowers. While the top of the frame is occupied by a dove with its wings spread. A beautifal water fall makes for a natural fountain in the background. This card is clearly a celebration of the beauty of life, and a invitation to us to join in the celebration. The sun light scene reminds us to embrace the beauty in the world god has given us. The water fall, the flowers. The tree outside my window. Even the desert, has its own stark beauty. Isn't it something, that where ever you find nature in the world, you find beauty. Only in places completely overrun by the activities of man, slums and industrial parks. Has the beauty been completely chased away.

So I think that is a message in the card as well, an invitation to reconnect with nature, to take a moment and simple enjoy being a peace with the world. To share that momement with your fellow human being, and in the process reconnect with that spark of divinity with-in yourself.

BTW. I'm fairly convinced the woman on the left in the card is Melanie. I think she has chosen this card to share a self portrait with us, and I think it says something about her view of life that this is the card she chose.

Divination:Fullfillment, Compromise, Fortunate Conclusion. Healing, Solace.

Reversed: Excess in pleasure seeking, Vice, self-indulgance, lack of appreciation.

The notes on the colors came from The MysticEye.com" they have quite an extensive section of notes on Tarot Symbolism. definately worth checking out.
To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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