Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

VI of Trumps: The Lovers

Giver Her a Listen Linda Moulton Howe Looking for news from the Edge, follow Linda Moulton Howe.   As she seeks the truth behind the most elusive stories in journalism. At the edge of Science, Medicine, and the Enviroment, along with the Real Xfiles. @earthfiles.com

The Robin Wood Tarot
The Gendron Tarot: Melanie Gendron
Signs of the TimesRay Grasse, author of Signs of the Times, had a truly fascinating conversation with Whitley a couple weeks back. It is currently posted in the subscriber section of Unknown country. Ray is thoughtful, soft-spoken, but quietly very sure of himself and his knowledge. A regular contributor to the Mountain Astrologer, Ray is wonderful example of the best sort of practitioner of divination. I think you'll find his vision of our future wonderful listening.

I had the opportunity the other day to give someone a reading. It was a great pleasure because the cards where ultimately so positive. The Spread was a Celtic Cross, and the cards that concern us where as follows, This covers you - Magician, This bars you - The High Priestess, This is above you - The Lovers. The Q. confirmed my intuition that the cards represented an inner conflict between her Intuitive self and her Logical Self. On the other hand, its not like that's such a huge insight. If you where to ask 100 Q's if they where dealing with balancing the logical and intuitive selves, I think 95 of them would say yes.

The balance of Masculine and Feminine energies represented by the VI of Trumps, is I think one of the Primary lessons of the Tarot, and life. When we are young, like Robins couple, the search for balance is externalized. Young men are still growing into their masculinity. Woman into their femininity. Each wrestling with the roles we associate with their gender, while trying to find themselves as individuals. Its no wonder that it's a crazy time.

One does not get to far down life road however, before one finds playing to the roles leaves one feeling incomplete. While we all hope to find someone who compliments us in life, eventually we realize we will not find someone who completes us. No, we must complete ourselves. I have been married just over 20 years. So I feel I know what I am speaking of here. The other person in our lives can teach us much. Even now, I often find it is my role to help my wife find her stronger self as she wrestles with her personal issues. At other times the roles reverse themselves. Although it is primarily me who has to be the stronger person in daily living. At moments of the greatest difficulty, when I was laid off, just before I took my current job. It was her steadfast faith in me, that carried the day, when I could not find faith in myself.

In day to day life, she, grounds me. Keeps me from flying off into the kind of cold hearted abstraction. Which is a think a danger to men, whether we are dealing with politics, or personal issues. I'm sure I would not share my current close relationship with my daughter, with out her mediation.

I think this one of the more important lessons of the cards, learning to blend our Cups energies and Swords energies. Or the drive of the Wands with deep roots of the Pentacles. Slowly discovering ourselves, as we hopefully approach the lessons of The World. The Sixes in the Tarot, all speak to balance, attained after we endure the tests presented by the 5's. Poverty, Conflict, Regret, Conquest. The 5's are stern teachers. While the VI of Trumps, I think is the first great synthesis of the Tarot. It is not of course the last, rather the lessons of the Tarot, are never perfect, and we can always return to them. We can always seek to refine our balance, once we have achieved some measure of balance with-in ourselves. While we seek to refine ourselves, the persons who share our lives will always be important. To keep us honest, to help us out, and to speak to us honestly when we have gone astray. Tom Waites wrote a beautiful song long ago, The Briar and the Rose. A relationship is very like that song I think, the slow growing together of the Briar and Rose, which in time become so intertwined, that although they are separate you could never untangle them.

For now, if I could return to the original reading. Like I said, the Magi crossed by the Priestess (or Visa Versa), could be anyone of us. However with the Lovers above, I think the spread speaks is very promising for the Q. Where she is on a path to take an important step towards finding her own balance, and her own self. Blessed Be All, BB.

Divination:Harmonious, Choice, Love, Trust. A oppertunity to balance opposites. A loving relationship entering your life, or the need to attend to present one.

Reversed: Insecurity, Separation. Confusion, Silence. Inability or resistance to share thoughts, feelings.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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