Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

The IX of Cups

Marina Giver Her a Listen
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The Gendron Tarot: Melanie Gendron
The Robin Wood Tarot

Signs of the TimesRay Grasse, author of Signs of the Times, had a truly fascinating conversation with Whitley a couple weeks back. It is currently posted in the subscriber section of Unknown country. Ray is thoughtful, soft-spoken, but quietly very sure of himself and his knowledge. A regular contributor to the Mountain Astrologer, Ray is wonderful example of the best sort of practitioner of divination. I think you'll find his vision of our future wonderful listening.

Todays Spread was King of Swords, IX of Cups, Wheel of Fortune.

I have to admit, Im not really insync about what the spread is meant to communicate to me. On the one hand I consider myself a rather typical cancer male. One of the things that prompted me to persue learning more about astrology, was how well my birth chart described me. It seemed to me a valuable area of knowledge opened up for me, that would make me a better reader.

Yet typical Cancer or no, the Male Cups cards have always been something of a challange to me. They feel like ill fitting gloves, and I am never really happy to see one in a spread. Take our friend here, sitting in his fine chair, surrounded by the lovely arch. Dressed in the best silks. The Nine of Cups, represents, Abundance, advantage, a healthy relationship in which differences have been resolved. Success, well being, wishes fullfilled. That from Melanies text.

Which I guess is part of the thing. Abundance, Wishes fullfilled, thats just never described my life. The reality I have lived with is that struggle has been the single constant of my life. Even in the emotional areana that is the primary focus of the cups cards. I personally have found it impossible to say I am content emotionally, when day to day survival is such an effort. So its an odd card to me, perhaps Im reacting more like the 4 to the 9, but its not a card I ever feel really applies in my world.

If it has to do with anything, my thought would be it has to do with Marina. If thats spelled right. A picture of Marina, is posted on the HTML version of this page. She is an 8 year old Columbian girl, and today I became her sponsor through Children International . Its something I have thought about for about a year. My own daughter is a grown woman now. She still lives with me, but her concerns are her job, her car, her man. Thats about as grown up as you need to get I think. So I have been thinking, the struggle for survival is not as fierce now as it was a few years ago. I usually have time to publish these essays, and I usually have a few dollars to save at the end of the paycycle. So I thought, its time to give a little back. I cant give much back, but if I wait till I'm rich so I can give much back, chances are I wont give anything at all. Rich is not in my future.

At the same time, I got alot more than I used to have. My daughter has lived through the worst of her troubles. I got a steady job with a leader in my industry. I think Mrs BB is coming to grips with some issues that have dogged her for years. Its not a bad moment in my life to embrace. Not a bad moment to do a little thanksgiving at the "Cratchet House." We'll never have it all, thats not about to happen. We got enough to share, a little, and thats saying something. Maybe, it did make sense this card should have come up today, after all.

Blessed Be, All.

Divination:Abundance, advantage, a healthy relationship in which differences have been resolved. Success, well being, wishes fullfilled.

Reversed:Lack of emotional fullfillment, material losses. And I would add, Issues unresolved cycles left incomplete. I think emotional baggage is definately reflected in this card.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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