Brighest Blessings to You and Yours

Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

Queen of Wands

Marina Giver Her a Listen
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The Gendron Tarot
The Robin Wood Tarot

Numerology Shirley has created a wonderful book here, an in depth study of the meanings of Numbers. Leaving aside the process of creating the basic charts. She has concentrated on enhancing the depth of ones readings by fully exploring the meanings (vibrations) of our Alpha/Numeric system. Taking each letter back to its very beginnings she explains what it meant/ what it means now, and why.

Its just true that dense books are seldom readable, and readable books are often fluffy. Shirley has produced one of those rare books that is both readable and packed with good stuff.

I like to associate a Court Card with a person I think exemplifies the card. In the case of the Queen of Wands, I actually can Identify the card with two women I know. One Red Haired, and one Latina. Both are bold, very independent and share a naughty playfulness. The sort of woman you don't have to feel awkward telling an off color joke around, because their comeback is more likely to make you blush! Good girls to know when your feeling down because they will lift you up.

If you look at the medicine shield on Melanie's card, you will see she has brought together the symbols of the Crystal, (High Priestess) and A Fertility Goddess (Empress) The Triangles of Water and Fire also take there place on the shield. For the Queen is the Water of Fire. I think Melanie means to symbolize this blending with the pink, which fills the card. From the flowers in the foreground, to the Queens Gown, to the Arch. Hers is not the Fierce Red flame of the King, but a steady warming flame. With such a fire in her heart this queen is no homebody. She may be a business woman, or someone who gives of her time, to coach cheerleaders or softball. Whatever she does, she is a lioness, like Leo she longs to shine. She longs to step up on the worlds stage and share with us all gods blessings. Be it her humor, her voice, her beauty. She loves to flirt, she knows a little wink, or the trace of smile says more than a thousand words.

I hear the voice of the Queen of Wands in the Latina musicians I favor pouring her love and her soul into every song. Lucero more than any other in this regard no one sings a ballad like her. She like they, feels deeply. I think there is a law that says every Spanish song must use the word Corezon at least twice. But seriously one of the things I love about Spanish culture, is that the music is still so very much about love, in its deepest most passionate sense. As opposed to the stuff on MTV so much of which seems to be about hooking up at best. [From my seriously dated point of view.] Melanie's notes on the Queen paint her as a Chaste woman, but I dont see it, I see her as an intensely passionate one. A one man woman, and all the woman one man could handle.

The last symbol on her shield are an Eagles wings. Which speak to the great vision of the Queen. She sees things clearly and understands them quickly. Her native intelligence and wit allow her to navigate where others would stumble. She is also a risk taker, and potentially something of a gambler. She knows what she wants out of life, and she knows what the stakes are, but she also knows if you dont throw your dice you can't win.

On a lower octave, she can give too much of herself, to a business, or a cause, and loose sight of her own welfare. She needs someone in her life to ground her and tell when she's beating her head against a wall, or just to hug her if she feels the need to cry. She's not always the best mother with her mind every where else she can loose sight of home. Sometimes, but not always, she can loose track of her softer side. She's not willing to say its a mans world and bow out quietly, she's going after her brass ring.

She likes the night life, when the sun goes down she knows no light can compete with hers! She loves to hear the rhythm and she loves to move. If you have the chance to by her a drink forget fruity stuff or little brolies. She likes her whiskey neat thank you!

Blessed Be, All BB.

Divination: Passionate, Compassionate, Loving, Magnetic, Sincere Wise.

Reversed: Domineering, Jealous, Narrow-minded. Obstinate, Possessive. Impractical.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at

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