Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

The IV of Pents: The Miser

Giver Her a Listen UnknownCountry
The Robin Wood Tarot
The Gendron Tarot

Hi All,
Yesterday I drew the 4 of Pent's Rx; The Miser as I call it; in the Robin Wood as well as in the Waite. We see this rather pathetic figure. Cut off from all human contact; hugging his precious coins to himself; he has become the reverse of that famous dictum. "He is a man of the World, but not in it;" and today does he not have lots of company, locked into gated communities and high rises. He is a reminder that when we Hug our wealth to closely to ourselves; we choke off the lifes blood of our existance; and living becomes a pale shadow of whats possible.

Robin makes this so very clear in her image; his space is so very empty; the space behind the walls so full of light and color, and life. I can't help but Think of Showtimes "Secret Diary" series they have been hyping so at work. I'm sure some of Belle's clients are just paying for an hour spent in the company of a beautifal woman, but I expect many are just like our friend here. Outwardly successful; even wealthy; inwardly missing something so basic; which they cannot have; and try to rent from someone like Belle.

Mel's vision is more generous to her Charactor. She is lovely, She is Successful, she is also very cold. She would be very at home in a gated community; on in the great house behind her; pointedly removed from the lives of her Peasants/ of Staff. In Ireland the great homes actually were laced with a series of passages. So the Orange land owners, never need see their Green Servents. Never need interact with them. Oh you would have to interact with the Butler; who as head servant truly ran the home; but by and larget the servants where treated with contempt. Is is so very differenty today; can you imagining Micheal Knight chatting with someone making his sneakers on the shop floor in Korea? Mel's charactor is a woman who has achieved a certain amount of material success and come to be at home with the idea; she truly is better then other people; and she too is not alone.

If you think about it; all the Fours at a glace seem to be about completions; but on examination are about something missing. The 4 of Cups missing ones blessings, the 4 of Wands is missing in experiance; the 4 of Swords is Idle in a suit about action; and the 4 of Pents is just missing in its humanity. It reminds us that when we hug what we have earned to tightly to our Bosom; then no room remains to Hug someone precious to our bosom instead.

Divination: Over attachement to Material Wealth, Miserlyness.

Reversed: Financial Set backs, Delay, Opposition to Gain. .

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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