ORVEX, Organization of Venezuelans in Exile, due to the announcement on the death of
Hugo Chavez carried out today by Nicolas Maduro, in national television:


1. That the announcement of the death of Hugo Chavez does not change at all the crude
reality that the Cuban G-2 and the Castro brothers are the ones who have been controlling
Venezuela, who count on traitors to the homeland, who are unworthy to be called
Venezuelans, and who are in charge of the Five National Powers; specifically, the
Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Moral and Electoral, as well as the Chief of Staff of the
National Armed Forces.

That it is not coincidence that Nicolas Maduro issued a serious and crazy statement just
before the announcement of the death of the Venezuelan dictator, in which he accused the
United States of having injected Chavez with cancer through a high biotechnological

3. That this announcement of the supposedly high biotechnological attack by the United
States seeks to turn that death into a killing of a Head of State, and Chavez into a martyr of
the co called "Socialism of the XXI Century", which is nothing more than the rancid Castro-
Communism, and to bury the universal principles and values of freedom presented in the
Constitution of the United States as perpetual enemies of the peoples of the Americas and
the world.

That the very serious accusations carried out against the United States by Maduro before
he announced the death of Chavez, put in serious danger of death those Venezuelans who
are about to be deported from the United States as well as those Venezuelans already
deported and who are in hiding in order to save their lives, since it is not secret that those
Venezuelans are considered by the Castro regime as persons who have been stealthily
trained by the C.I.A. and the U.S. Department of State to destabilize the dictatorial regime
and to carry out the murder of the Head of State.

5. That due to the absolute absence of the dictator, new elections shall be called, just as it is
established in the Constitution of Venezuela.


1. To alert Venezuelans not to lower their guard, since the death of Chavez does not remove
the cancer Venezuela has, which is the encystment of the G-2 Cuban and the Castro

2. To denounce to the world that Venezuela is currently invaded by the Republic of Cuba,
which controls the country in order to expand its project of death throughout the hemisphere
and the world by means of its allies in Alba and the Sao Paulo Forum who are in
government positions and in international institutions such as OAS and the UN.

3. To alert the world that unless the current corrupted electoral system in Venezuela is
cleanse, we will be watching a new show or theatre which would seek to legitimize a new
dictator, Nicolas Maduro, with a democratic varnish, and to guarantee the perpetual control
of Venezuela by the Cuban G-2 and the Castro brothers.

4. To urgently and kindly request the authorities of the governments of the free world,
specially the U.S. authorities, among them Congressmen, Senators and President Barack
Obama himself, to immediately stop the deportations of all Venezuelans and to seek ways
to return all those who have already been deported.

This communiqué is being issued in the city of Miami, State of Florida, United States of
America, on March 5th, 2013.

For ORVEX – Organization of Venezuelans in Exile,

Elio Aponte