Franklin Pierce

The weekend of January 9, 2004, my friends and I made our annual ski trip to Killington, VT. We arrived a day early on Thursday the 8th. Friday came a long, and the skier in the group, Walt, decided it was too cold to ski. It was about 0 degrees and more than 20 below on the top of the mountain.

On Friday, Peggy and I decided to drive to Concord, NH to see Pierce's grave, and asked Walt and his girlfriend Kelly to go with us. They decided that since Walt wasn't skiing, to go with us. In the car, Kelly said that she decided to go because it was "only a half hour trip." (I never told her that, Peggy did.) After about an hour in the car, Kelly asked how much further, and (much to her surprise) I told her about an hour. On the way to Concord, we picked up a map to find our way to the Pierce Manse, which we found with no problem.

The grave on the other hand......

Instead of driving around Concord, (I forgot the directions) we decided to go to the information center at the Concord Chamber of Commerce. When we asked the man at the desk, his reply was, "good question." He didn't know. Fortunately, the had web access and I pulled up this page with the directions, and he said, "I know were that is," gave us a map and sent us on our way.

We went to the cemetery, and skipped going to the office because I said, "half the fun is finding it on our own." We took one trip around it and decided that going into the office is much easier. In the office, they told us he was in the Old North Cemetery and we were in the New North Cemetery. Well, needless to say, we never would have found it there. One of the workers jumped into his truck and we followed him about 5 blocks to the old cemetery.

We walked to the middle of the cemetery, and there Franklin was. Another Presidential Grave done! We froze walking through the  cemetery, (it was 0 degrees out) but that's the price you pay when your looking for Dead Presidents.

It was a good ride back. We got to see more of Vermont and New Hampshire, and we stopped at a couple of brew pubs along the way. 


Me at the Pierce Manse in Concord, NH (January 9, 2004.) We didn't go inside, it's closed in the winter. 


Me with Walt and Kelly at Pierce's grave. This is Walt's second presidential grave. He has also been to Andrew Jackson's.


The Pierce Homestead

The Pierce Manse

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(c) Patrick R. Weissend, 2004 - 2010
Last Update: October 17, 2010
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