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Curious caribous, Newfoundland, Canada.

Curious caribous, Long Range Mountains, South-West Newfoundland

End of July of 1989 we camped in the Southern Long Range, near the edge of the highlands on the West Coast of Newfoundland. This is just before the blueberry season so I did not expect any bears yet. The caribous now migrated to the most Southern and highest mountains to make use of abundant grass. Around our camp I counted some 2000 caribous, all spread out on the surrounding hills in groups of 5-20 keeping a watch full eye but they did not show any signs of disturbance by our presence.

A few weeks later we took a helicopter trip to collect rocks in the same area. We stopped on one of the hills to take some samples and refuel the helicopter with two 30 liter jerry cans, sufficient for an hour of flying.

Refueling the helicopter.

After shutting down the helicopter curious caribou came up the hill. They tried to identify our scent but could figure it out. Especially the young caribous with their large eyes came close. We could almost touch them. Why they are so curious is still a mystery to me, also as just a few moments ago we scared them off with the helicopter.

Curious young caribou.

Curious young caribou, getting close.

Young caribou, fleeing.

Herd of caribous, view from a helicopter.

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