Tarot Discussion Group, Card of the Week.

The IV of Cups: Missed Oppertunities.

Giver Her a Listen UnknownCountry
The Gendron Tarot: Melanie Gendron
The Robin Wood Tarot
Linda_Southfield Linda is in England for her annual series of crop circle reports. This beautifal circle came down on the night of Aug 7/8 just yards from her camp. This circle is almost certainly not hoaxed. Read the full story, and follow her reports on this amazing crop circle season at www.earthfiles.com You can also listen to Linda directly from the field at Dreamland Online Its simply an amazing year to follow circles.

V of Cups It seems to me the linkage between the 4 of cups and the 5 of cups, which we have touched, makes it difficult to move forward without keeping them both in mind. Melanie's image is in many ways typical of a Waite Child Tarot. It shows 4 cups 3 of which are empty, while one cup, unnoticed by the central figure is full. The central figure is of course a woman, but that is hardly unusual for Melanie's deck. The point of course being that the central figure is missing out on the full potential her life offers her because her attention is misdirected. In this way the card is very like the 5 of cups, "Regret", in that the character again is shown caught up in his loss, and ignoring the blessings in the world around him.

Of course the figure in the V of Cups is morning his loss, and this is important, because it plays into the numerology of Tarot. 5's are active, 4's are Solid, often static. So the Tarot points out, Change or the lack there-of, can both lead us to the same point of dissatisfaction. In both cases we have lost sight of the larger world.

In choosing a young shaman for her central figure. I think Melanie has encoded a powerful message for anyone who considers spiritual matters are a genuinely important part of thier life. The central figure sits with her feet just barely in the water. Her hands are raised to either side of the cup that sits upon her knees. Her gaze is fixed there with what a apprears to be a genuinely sincere intensity of concentration. She is being a good and disciplined student, actively engaged in her search for the truth. So how is it that, she is missing the point?

Let us consider two points of danger spiritually, one is represented by the fool. The aimless wandering from church to church, or guru to guru without pausing long enough to do any real inner work. The other, represented by the Hierophant as well as this card, is the mistake of letting form become more important than substance. The young shaman is observing the correct form, she is doing what she was taught, but is not getting the most out of her spiritual practice.

I was raised Catholic, and remember all to clearly going to church and listening to a very bored congregation drone through the hymns. Now my wife is Methodist, and sometimes I go to her church with her. She loves the Hymns, and you can feel that love in her voice. The hymns for her, are a very real way to connect with the divine and the connection radiates from her.

So perhaps we have something of an answer to our question about the shaman. A lot a people in my old church, where their to observe the forms, to be seen at church. Their self conscious, self focus was evident at all times, but especially during the hymns. Most of us know, we really have not been blessed with a lovely singing voice, so we are self conscious about letting other people hear us sing. My wife is not self conscious, because she is not singing for the congregation. She is expressing something important, that she obviously feels deeply inside herself.

Its a point that we will all hear a thousand times in our lives, but still it is easy to loose track of in our peer conscious world. Ultimately spiritual work is between ourselves and God. When it becomes about having the brightest shiniest spirituality parked out front, along side our SUV. We find them both parked outside my old church with its bored congregation droning hymns with no feeling. And the biggest shame about this situation, is the congregation at the "Church of the 4 of Cups", does not realize spiritual life does not have to be a drone. That it really should be uplifting and not draining. That Celerating the Mass, was not just a clever word devise on the part of the minister.

On the medicine shield, above the central figure. Melanie has encoded an lesson in furthering our spiritual journey, an exit sign for the "Church of the 4 of Cups." On the Shield she has depicted, two figures, one the Bear, the other a raven. The bear is a symbol of introspection. Bears are pretty well self sufficient animals. As Ted Andrews reminds us in Animal Speak. During the winter, a bear will largely live off its own inner reserves for months.

Ravens however are quite different, they like to talk, they will mimic your voice. They are playful. They are powerful fertility symbols as well. So the Bear and the Raven, not only balance each other visually, but energetically. They are meant, I'm quite sure, to point out how to connect to the lesson the shaman is missing. Quite (Bear) and Active (Raven) periods are as essential to the spirit as they are to the body.

Although this card has its element of shadow. I view it as positive card to see come up in a reading. The Tarot is not saying to us, "Hey, you chump, you blew it!." No the Tarot is urging us to look around, find our blessing, renew our connection with the intent.

May you find your Blessings my Friends, as always, BB.

Divination: Boredom, Missed Oppertunity, the need to re-evaluate ones life.

Reversed: Knowledge Aquired, Change of perspective, New possibilities, New relationship.

To respond please Email BB I would appreciate your feedback
Illustrations from the Gendron Tarot deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. Visit the world's best source for tarot decks at www.usgamesinc.com.

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